• Get interesting
    news on the map

  • Special criteria for best news

  • A perfect tool for
    news analyzers

  • Get your favorite
    news instantly


  • Review interesting news
    that you missed anytime

  • More social than ever

Welcome to NewsAnalyse

Several criteria ensure best news results

Several criteria ensure best news results

Filtering can happen on multiple criteria such as famous person, locations, topics mentioned (that are discovered automatically). Users can easily organize the flow of the news coming to the account and choose only news within the personal interest.

A special neat map that delivers all good news

A special neat map that delivers all good news

NewsAnalyse can also show you the news on a map allowing the user to discover news that is related to a specific location. The user can zoom in or out of the map for any specific region.

Get the news from the source you prefer

Get the news from the source you prefer

NewsAnalyse’s role is to aggregate all news from major global sources and deliver this news in a personalized way.

News reader used to feel fed up with the excessive news flowing from many sources and cannot even pick up the relevant news that he or she cares about. Traditional ways such as T.V, radio, newspapers or a full news website used to cause confusion ending up in a headache and sometimes not even getting interesting news.

Users can define custom searches for news that matches a topic, place, a person or an organization. Whenever a news comes that matches the defined criteria, then the user will be notified by email.

NewsAnalyse offer the ability for users to store news for further analysis into “virtual drawers”. These drawers can be shared among users so that analysis will go a step deeper.

NewsAnalyse will learn your interest with time. According to the searches made by the user, like or rating, the system can learn what might be of interest and suggest it to the user. The user will feel that stream of news that he/she reading is fine tuned to their interest.

We live in the speed era and most of us don’t have enough time to read the whole news releases overloaded with information. The news reader used to be bound to listen or read the whole release just to get a piece of news important to her/him.

NewsAnalyse comes to solve this issue by mining news coming from different sources, extract relevant information such as people, locations and themes mentioned and allow the end-user to search in a very advanced way to be able to get a specific news in a few clicks.

Users can match news together based on many criteria and this allow them to link different events together or discover for instance what happened recently in a specific place or when two leaders have met earlier!

Several criteria ensure best news results

Filtering can happen on multiple criteria such as person’s name, locations, an organization or mentioned topics (that are discovered automatically). Users can easily organize the flow of the news coming to the account and choose only news within the personal interest.

A special map that delivers all good news

NewsAnalyse can also show you the news on a map allowing the user to discover news that is related to a specific location. The user can zoom in or out of the map in any specific region.

Get the news from the source you prefer

NewsAnalyse’s role is to aggregate all news from major global sources and deliver this news in a personalized way since the wide variety of users might prefer certain news sources or agencies.